Monday, February 14, 2011


All the cards that were written on the shelf
Can't tell you how I feel
And this love that I have in my heart
No one could ever steal
To put my feelings into words
Would be so hard to do
But the three words that I'll always say
Will be I Love You.

Every day I thank the Lord above
For blessing me with you
And there isn't anything you would say
That I wouldn't do
This love that I have for you in my heart
Will never go away
So I'll just keep on loving you
Every single day.
The candy will soon disappear
And the flowers will die away
But the love that I have for you in me
That will always stay.

This is my love to a hard working lady
who will always stay true

Sunday, January 9, 2011


There is a time where you come to a point in your life
When you say “enough is enough”, and you are tired of the chaos and turbulence
and people trying to act tuff..

When you speak to me the words you use are a language of control
Make no mistake your expressions do not reflect a language of love
Words of love should not cut like a knife from that sharp tongue of yours

Drama is a beast waiting for a chance to come out
friends backstabbing and you feel like nobody is loyal to you
Emotions race through your mind like
the blood in your veins
Tears begin to form like the clouds in the sky

"Misery loves company"
so i been told there tryin to bring you down
and the drama is getting old
don't stoop down to there level for the least
rise above it as if you were a mountain in the sky

Drama is nothing but high emotional feelings
that erupt when your mad
somethings that people say will make u sad
but as the saying goes
"sticks and stone may break my bones
but words dont hurt"

In my eyes words do hurt if you constantly bringing it up
throwing up signs like they dont give a ____
people need to learn to grow up

Drama is not called for all the time
walkin around mad at the world
and you dont even know why
you just look up to the sky and ask the lord why

Drama is beef if you ask me
kids walking around carrying a gun as if they were
ready for war "choose your side wisely
or you might end up in the slumps"

Drama will be waiting for you inside a club
say something wrong and its about to go down
everybody acting stupid because of one clown
"choose who u hang out with carefully"
some might think your weak if you dont have there backs

Drama  will be waiting for you when you get home
thats when u feel everybody is against you and they did you wrong
you argue over simple stuff instead of letting it go
like a child at hand nobody will ever know

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Life is rouqh like the waves
in the sea

Your drowning from all the drama
and commotion

Trying to come up for air
but the waves are pulling
you deeper into the sea

Life is rouqh like the waves
in the sea

Unable to settle down
rumbling all around

Rocking boats into eachother
shooting guns at one another

Life is rouqh like the waves
in the sea

Childrens left without mothers
and daddies

Bitter like the sharks that swim

feeling the pain of there sharp teeth

Life is rouqh like the waves
in the sea

Monday, January 3, 2011

Why do you want a baby?

Why are all women and men acting lazy?

What will you do for your child?

Will you go the extra mile?

Men/Women raising a child as a single parent

What happen with both being there

Because you have a child dont
neglect it like you didnt care

YOU might not have been there for me
but this baby deserve more than
being lonely without a daddy


Do you think its for fashion like a toy

Will you love the baby less if it wasnt a boy?

Try to have a heart
every baby want both parents around

Babies cry when they see there parents argue

Shouldnt no child witness what yall are going through

For the sake of the child dont stop loving them if the father/mother isnt around

Look up to god he will stand by you

If your partner dont care about you

Your not alone

Stand up your very strong

Dont have a child if you know you cant raise it


For every time your sad this rose
will cheer you up,

For all those times I made you mad
this rose will make it up

For the pain I brought to you
this rose will help us get through

Planting my hopes and dreams
this rose will blossom
like the water that runs
down the stream

For everything I did to you
this rose will always stay true

Hoping and wishing you will
except my apology
this rose is my biology

Like the leaves that fall
this rose will stand tall

A rose of true meaning and love
for you theres no telling
how I might surprise you

I am a rose hoping to please you
a million words through
this rose from me to you